Crispy Lentil Salad

After I posted a picture of this dish, I got a couple of messages on how to make lentils that aren’t mushy. For one, red lentils get far softer than green/brown, so try using green when you want firm. Two, cook your lentils like pasta. Don’t try to find a ratio so the water absorbs. Boil salty water, turn heat down to simmer for 20-25 minutes, and strain. Make sure to taste at the 20-minute mark so you don’t overdo it.

This recipe was centered around my favorite vegetable, broccoli rabe. I like to chop the ends off the broccoli rabe and blanch in a pot of boiling water for a few minutes, drain, chop it up and then add to a pan and saute in olive oil for maximum flavor and texture.


  • Lentils – I made about a cup of lentils but had a ton left over.
  • Broccoli Rabe or any sauteed vegetable
  • Feta
  • Almonds
  • Lemon


  1. Wash you lentils
  2. Cook them like pasta (described above)
  3. Saute your veggies. Kale or brussels would also be great options
  4. Add slivered almonds to get toasty and lemon
  5. Plate your veggies, top with lentils, feta and any herbs you have on hand

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